Dr. Gus Murray – Keynote Speaker

Dr. Gus Murray – Keynote Speaker “Healing the Legacy of Transgenerational Trauma with EMDR Therapy.

EMDR Europe Association is delighted to introduce another of our keynote speakers who will present at the forthcoming EMDR Europe Conference in Dublin 7th ­ 9th June, 2024.

Dr. Gus Murray presentation is “Healing the Legacy of Transgenerational Trauma with EMDR Therapy”

There is growing consensus that trauma can arise not only from the direct impact of adverse experiences, but also from transgenerational transmission. A growing body of research points to the influence of epigenetics. While DNA carries our inherited genetic coding, epigenetics is an additional layer that guides gene expression. Through interaction with our early developmental environment, epigenetic chemical marks are accumulated, determining how much or little a gene is expressed. Early traumatic experiences can rearrange these epigenetic marks, leading to impaired neural connections as well as an impairment in physical, emotional, cognitive, behavioural, and interpersonal functioning. These modifications, which occur outside of conscious awareness, are encoded primarily in lower brain regions, becoming stored primarily in the body and emotions, and have been found to pass on to offspring and to future generations.

The aim of this keynote is to provide an overview of the key pathways that lead to the development of transgenerational trauma at the geopolitical, community and family levels.

Watch the video: https://vimeo.com/879427911/7f98397936

Gus Murray is president of the EMDR All-Ireland Association. He is an EMDR Europe Accredited Senior Trainer and Consultant with 25 years of experience in the use of EMDR Therapy.

He is a highly experienced Counselling and Psychotherapy trainer having been Programme Director and Lead Trainer at the Cork Institute of Technology for over 25 years. He is an Integrative Psychotherapist, accredited with the Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and has also completed standard and advanced level trainings in Somatic Experiencing (SE) and is an accredited SE practitioner. He has presented at EMDR conferences and events throughout Ireland, the United Kingdom and Europe.Dr

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january, 2025