EMDR UK Association

Conference & AGM

15th-16th March 2024

The Principal York, York City Centre

Dear colleagues

The EMDR UK annual conference (15th to 16th March 2024 York) is rapidly approaching. 

It will be a wonderful opportunity to visit this historically interesting and cultural city known for the iconic York Minster and architecture from medieval times, its magnificent Georgian town houses, and the Victorian railway station. There is much to be gained professionally and socially from attending the conference.  

When planning the programme, we are informed by members expressed interests and have commissioned a full programme of international and nationally renowned presenters who will inspire and enrich our knowledge and clinical skills. We have a full two days showcasing current research in EMDR and continuing the theme of working with specific client groups. 

Our Saturday Keynote Myira Khan will give an address Working Within Diversity: an anti-oppressive model for therapeutic practice. We have clinical workshops and a reinstated Child and Adolescent stream. We are particularly delighted that our main presenter on Friday is Femke Bannink Mbazzi who will be running a major two-part workshop addressing culture and cultural adaptations in EMDR treatment; and on Saturday Ludwig Cornil and Olivier Van Limbergen will present a workshop on treating relational trauma with EMDR. 

We are also delighted that we will be re-introducing poster presentations this year. The deadline for abstracts for posters is 31 December 2023.  Please contact the Association research officer if you would like further information. researchofficer@emdrassociation.org.uk  

It is now established that EMDR UK conferences are hybrid; this offers greater choice and flexibility to meet the needs of Association members and it reduces the global footprint of national association events. A large venue has been chosen in York, with numbers capped to ensure a spacious environment for delegates and exhibitors; book early if you wish to attend in person. For those further away you may choose to attend via our professionally managed online platform which will enable live participation throughout the conference.        

12 EMDR CPD credits will be awarded for the full conference.  The conference will be recorded and available for registered delegates to view for up to 28 days post conference.  

The EMDR Association has committed to planting five trees for every delegate registered and you will also have the opportunity to participate in this carbon reduction initiative at the point of registration.  

To register please follow this link https://eyas.formstack.com/forms/emdr2024  

We endeavour to ensure that the conference venue and presentations are accessible for all delegates attending in person or remotely, but we appreciate further considerations may be required. If you have any needs, disabilities or difficulties that may impact your engagement in the event please do let us know and we will aim to make reasonable adjustments. Please use the space on the registration form or contact the events manager, Amy Donohoe by email, emdr@eyas.co.uk, by telephone 07771 962993, or if preferred, provide a telephone number so that we can contact you.   

Conference Venue: The Principal York, https://theprincipalyork.com/  

In the event of a booking query please contact Amy Donohoe, Conference Event Manager, amy@eyas.co.uk  

The EMDR UK Board, Conference Committee members look forward to meeting you at the conference either online or in York.  

Marian Tobin – Conference Chair

Information for the 2024 Conference





Please note: Conference PowerPoints will be uploaded on the conference online platform when presenters provide them; some will do so just before the conference others will leave until post conference, any presentation not found will mean the conference committee has not received it in advance.  

A look back at previous conferences

Glasgow 2018

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Cardiff 2017

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Brighton 2016

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