EMDR Sussex Regional Group - EMDR: Sexology, sexual abuse & sexual violence: going beyond trauma treatment into optimum sex life - 01.03.2025


Silva Neves will present on how to use EMDR protocols, integrated with psychosexual knowledge, for best sexological outcomes for clients. This workshop will be interactive, with practice through case studies. 

Silva Neves is a COSRT-accredited and UKCP-registered psychosexual and relationship psychotherapist and an EMDR therapist. 

He is the author of ‘Compulsive Sexual Behaviours, A Psycho-Sexual Treatment Guide for Clinicians’ (Routledge) and ‘Sexology: The Basics’ (Routledge). He also co-edited with Dominic Davies two new volumes of the Pink Therapy series: ‘Erotically Queer and Relationally Queer’ (Routledge) https://www.silvaneves.co.uk

Learning objectives

 Understanding psychosexual issues arising from sexual abuse and violence.

  Integrating psychosexual knowledge with EMDR protocols, including the appropriate use of psychosexual education.

 Therapist’s self-reflection on working with sexual themes in the consulting room.

Further information available at www.emdrsussex.co.uk

For any queries, please contact emdrsussex@gmail.com